#IoT Battle Night

Mon, Sep 4, 2017 7:00 PM

Veteranenstraße 21, Berlin, Berlin, 10119

#IoT Battle Night

** When French Tech meets German Tech**

Join La French Tech’s exclusive cocktail party to watch the very best of French and German IoT startups battle for the crown !

This event will take place during the week of the IFA2017, the world leading trade show on consumer electronics and living appliances, building up on the international stakeholders coming to Berlin to take part of it.

What?10 Startups pitches = 5 French Tech VS. 5 German Tech StartupsThe Public vote for the best pitches2 Startups awarded -> if you are a startup and would like to apply, see below !


19h00 – 19h30: Bienvenue !

19h30 – 19h45 : Welcome Speeches

19h45 – 20h30: Battle Pitches – Vote – 2 Startups awarded

** German Team **


** French Team **

Bluemint LabsUnistellarPhonotonicMarboticTempow

20h30 – 00h00 : Networking

Looking forward to seeing you all !

Drinks and finger food will be served.Please consider this as a non-transferable personal invitation

What’s La French Tech ?

France is undergoing a startup renaissance driven by a new generation of entrepreneurs, investors, engineers, designers, and other talented people. It’s a new ‘Startup Republic’, home to vibrant tech hubs and a hotbed of talent, imbued with a strong enterprise culture. The name of this movement is La French Tech, and its actors are the French startups.

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